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Can Circular Economy in Fashion Save You More Than Black Friday Sales?

Have you ever wondered what connects a traditional Swedish wedding, a leisurely stroll along the beautiful Greek coastline, and an after-work event in the heart of Luxembourg? It's a trick question, and the answer might surprise you.

The foundational sentence of a Circular Economy start-up spilled in a few seconds

One of the first sentences I ever uttered about OUR CHOICE has become foundational to our mission. It was one of those moments when words just spill out before you even realize the depth of their meaning. I remember it distinctly; it happened over coffee, my third cup, shared with a friend as we sifted through fashion e-commerce sites, each one inundated with pop-ups and promotional codes:

"WHERE IS THE LOVE? 💔 We need to return to a personal relationship with fashion items!"

Circular Economy is not about sales, it's about lifestyle

This simple statement encapsulates the heart and soul of OUR CHOICE. It was the moment I realized that I wasn't in the sneaker industry, and I certainly didn't want you to buy more sneakers. Instead, I recognized that I was in the lifestyle industry, advocating for you to buy less but better. Our goal is to help you save money, time, and make a sustainable impact while looking and feeling your absolute best.

What about the trick question?

So, what do these seemingly unrelated occasions share in common? The answer is you – and a pair of classic, comfortable, and long-lasting sneakers. Sneakers that can seamlessly accompany you to a traditional Swedish wedding, a serene stroll by the sea in Greece, or an after-work event in Luxembourg, and make you feel fantastic at every step.

A stroll by the sea in Greece. The world's first circular sneakers are designed for longevity and will suit any event, anywhere in the world.

Circular Economy in fashion requires a personal relationship

A personal relationship with one pair of sneakers, or any high-quality fashion item, is the secret sauce. Not only do you grow to love and cherish your product over the years, but you also create lasting memories at different events and settings throughout your life, all while maintaining your sense of style. That's what we mean when we talk about lifestyle, and that's where the true love in fashion really lies.

Our Choice and Filip Westerlund part of Circular Economy Expert Duo

Now, let me share some exciting news: I'm thrilled to announce that I'll be part of a Circular Economy Expert duo speaking at the "Plan Your Purchase" event during the "Plaidons Responsable After Work" gathering. Join me and Katia Dayan Vladimirova, a senior lecturer and researcher at the Université de Genève, for an enlightening discussion on smart wardrobe choices, sustainability, and conscious decision-making.

Circular Economy in Fashion Can Save You More Than Black Friday Sales

This event takes place on November 8th, just before the consumerism frenzy of "Black Friday." I promise, and you have my word, that the insights you'll gain from this event will save you more money than any Black Friday sale ever did.

Welcome to meet OUR CHOICE in Luxembourg at Letz Refashion

Attendance is FREE, and you can register right here. We look forward to seeing you there, and together, let's discover the love in fashion and make more meaningful choices for a brighter, sustainable future!

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